Dressage Naturally Big Picture Poster
The Big Picture of Dressage, Naturally in one view!
Karen designed this 22" x 34" poster to help visual learners see the whole picture of where they are and where they are going. This beautiful and practical learning tool will look good in your home or barn. At a glance, graphics and drawings will remind you of three general stages. The text will keep you on track with more specific guidelines and check-points. Karen feels that it is easy to get lost in individual exercises or techniques, but if we keep the big picture fresh in our awareness, we will be able to make the best training decisions for our selves and our horses.
It is made of Yupo (R) synthetic paper that is 100% waterproof and tear and stain resistant (it wipes clean!)... Also, no trees were cut down to make it. It is 100% recyclable, and no ozones-threatening emissions result from it's manufacturing process. The Yupo company is dedicated to creating products that preserve forests and protect our waters.